Minute Maid Orange - 400 ml

Minute Maid Orange - 400 ml
  • Views: 15198
  • Product Code: FCMMO
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹35

For an overall well being of our health it is of cardinal importance that at least two servings of fruits should be included in our daily diet. In the jet set life of current times often this practise becomes a mere indulgence and in the long term our negligence affetcs our body badly.

Keeping in mind the need of the time Minute Maid has come up with its Puply Orange juice so that one can derive the benefits of oranges without the hassle of cutting the orange that consumes a lot of time. This Minute Maid juice comes in a trendy mobile package so that sipping any where and every where is no problem at all. Made from juicy pulp of oranges, this beverage satiates the taste buds of the users with a delectable rich taste. There is no fat in this Minute Maid Pulpy Orange juice. Thus one can get a rare combination of good taste with no extra calories.

Nutrition Facts
Per 100 ml of the Minute Maid Pulpy Orange juice contains 42 Kcal of energy, 10.5 g of carbohydrate and 9 g of sugar. The last components give the body energy so that the body does not tire out even aftre a long day. Thus not just will this drink satify the thirst pangs but also give an instant recharge to your body. 

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